Hi - 

I’m a writer, an artist, and a maker. The art I make and the writing I do is the playful making that grounds me. Supporting others in their own creative practices invigorates me. By which I mean: it fucking lights me up.

In addition to my work as the executive director at OffCenter Community Arts Project in ABQ (a free art space and a community that inspires me daily — and is a hell of a lot of fun. If you’re in ABQ, come by and say hi!) - I write a newsletter here, share a studio space with my friend, painter Allison Jones Hunt, where I focus primarily on fiber art but also play around with painting, collage, and mixed media. I also lead poetry writing workshops at our studio & at OffCenter.

A Stitcher In Time

My connection to creativity is a gift I received first from my family - a wild group of makers, builders, artists, crafters, and creative thinkers (often busy working seemingly uncreative day-jobs to make ends meet - a creative practice in its own right). My amazing mom has been putting her creativity to work on quilts and sewing projects for decades as A Stitcher in Time. From heirloom quilts to keep you family cozy to aprons to make your messiest work bright & cheerful, shop her beautiful sewn goods here. Expand your own creative practice by using her sewing patterns to make your own aprons! Find patterns, quilts & more from A Stitcher in Time here!